css how to.........

When a browser reads a style sheet, it will format the document according to it.

Three Ways to Insert CSS

There are three ways of inserting a style sheet:

  • External style sheet
  • Internal style sheet
  • Inline style

External Style Sheet

An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to many pages. With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire Web site by changing one file. Each page must link to the style sheet using the tag. The tag goes inside the head section:

An external style sheet can be written in any text editor. The file should not contain any html tags. Your style sheet should be saved with a .css extension. An example of a style sheet file is shown below:

hr {color:sienna;}
p {margin-left:20px;}
body {background-image:url("images/back40.gif");}

Remark Do not leave spaces between the property value and the units! "margin-left:20 px" (instead of "margin-left:20px") will work in IE, but not in Firefox or Opera.

Internal Style Sheet

An internal style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique style. You define internal styles in the head section of an HTML page, by using the

Inline Styles

An inline style loses many of the advantages of style sheets by mixing content with presentation. Use this method sparingly!

To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the relevant tag. The style attribute can contain any CSS property. The example shows how to change the color and the left margin of a paragraph:

This is a paragraph.

Multiple Style Sheets

If some properties have been set for the same selector in different style sheets, the values will be inherited from the more specific style sheet.

For example, an external style sheet has these properties for the h3 selector:


And an internal style sheet has these properties for the h3 selector:


If the page with the internal style sheet also links to the external style sheet the properties for h3 will be:


The color is inherited from the external style sheet and the text-alignment and the font-size is replaced by the internal style sheet.

Multiple Styles Will Cascade into One

Styles can be specified:

  • inside an HTML element
  • inside the head section of an HTML page
  • in an external CSS file

Tip: Even multiple external style sheets can be referenced inside a single HTML document.

Cascading order

What style will be used when there is more than one style specified for an HTML element?

Generally speaking we can say that all the styles will "cascade" into a new "virtual" style sheet by the following rules, where number four has the highest priority:

  1. Browser default
  2. External style sheet
  3. Internal style sheet (in the head section)
  4. Inline style (inside an HTML element)

So, an inline style (inside an HTML element) has the highest priority, which means that it will override a style defined inside the tag, or in an external style sheet, or in a browser (a default value).

RemarkNote: If the link to the external style sheet is placed after the internal style sheet in HTML , the external style sheet will override the internal style sheet!


The id and class Selectors

In addition to setting a style for a HTML element, CSS allows you to specify your own selectors called "id" and "class".

The id Selector

The id selector is used to specify a style for a single, unique element.

The id selector uses the id attribute of the HTML element, and is defined with a "#".

The style rule below will be applied to the element with id="para1":



Try it yourself »

Remark Do NOT start an ID name with a number! It will not work in Mozilla/Firefox.

The class Selector

The class selector is used to specify a style for a group of elements. Unlike the id selector, the class selector is most often used on several elements.

This allows you to set a particular style for any HTML elements with the same class.

The class selector uses the HTML class attribute, and is defined with a "."

In the example below, all HTML elements with class="center" will be center-aligned:


.center {text-align:center;}

Try it yourself »

You can also specify that only specific HTML elements should be affected by a class.

In the example below, all p elements with class="center" will be center-aligned:


p.center {text-align:center;}

Try it yourself »

Css syntrax

A CSS rule has two main parts: a selector, and one or more declarations:

The selector is normally the HTML element you want to style.

Each declaration consists of a property and a value.

The property is the style attribute you want to change. Each property has a value.

Css introduction

What You Should Already Know
Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:


If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.
What is CSS?

* CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
* Styles define how to display HTML elements
* Styles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problem
* External Style Sheets can save a lot of work
* External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files

CSS Demo

An HTML document can be displayed with different styles: See how it works
Styles Solved a Big Problem

HTML was never intended to contain tags for formatting a document.

HTML was intended to define the content of a document, like:

This is a heading

This is a paragraph.

When tags like , and color attributes were added to the HTML 3.2 specification, it started a nightmare for web developers. Development of large web sites, where fonts and color information were added to every single page, became a long and expensive process.

To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created CSS.

In HTML 4.0, all formatting could be removed from the HTML document, and stored in a separate CSS file.

All browsers support CSS today.
CSS Saves a Lot of Work!

CSS defines HOW HTML elements are to be displayed.

Styles are normally saved in external .css files. External style sheets enable you to change the appearance and layout of all the pages in a Web site, just by editing one single file!

Tutorial of css(css home)

font-family:"Times New Roman";

link of ebook on child labour





The prevalence of child labor has, in recent years, become a serious problem throughout the world
and especially in many poor developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Being one of
the most densely populated poverty-stricken countries of the world the problem of child labor has
become one of the prime concerns for the government and people of Bangladesh. This paper was
prepared in the light of the findings of a practical survey project that was conducted out of the
desire to know about the situation of the most unfortunate as well as deprived but most important
segment of the country’s population. Being the capital of the country the child labor situation of
Dhaka would certainly serves as an indicator of the whole country. Hence Dhaka City Corporation
was taken as the basis of this survey. The paper produces the findings on different important
differentials of the child labor, such as- causes of child labor, causes of rural-urban migration, hours
of work and provisions for leave, income expenditure and savings, educational background and
some other important related topics.
Key words: child labor, ILO, IPEC, Dhaka City Corporation.
Though restrictions on child labor exist in most
nations, many children do work and the prevalence
of child labor has, in recent years, become a serious
problem throughout the world especially in many
poor developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin
America. Although economic hardship of families
have forced most of the children to get involved in
economic activities; social customs, tradition and
culture in some countries of these regions have also
play significant role to this problem. There is at
present no precise information on world child
labor. In 2000, the ILO estimates, "246 million
child workers aged 5 and 17 were involved in child
labor, of which 171 million were involved in work
that by its nature is hazardous to their safety,
physical or mental health, and moral development.
Moreover, some 8.4 million children were engaged
in so-called 'unconditional' worst forms of child
labor, which include forced and bonded labor, the
use of children in armed conflict, trafficking in
children and commercial sexual exploitation." As
most of these children grow and live in absolute
poverty and deprivation they do not get proper
opportunities to acquire education and skill to
ensure better life for them in future. It is therefore,
high time that governments, international bodies
and non-government organizations to combat and
eradicate this practice from the face of the world by
taking concentrated efforts.
Concerns over the adverse affect of child labor are
gradually increasing particularly form the
beginning of twentieth century. Now a day’s child
labor is not considered as an isolated issue but as
an integral part of national – international efforts
for economic and social development. According
to International Labor Office (ILO) children work
the longest hours and are the worst paid of all
laborers (Bequele and Boyden 1988). They endure
work conditions, which include health hazards and
potential abuse. Employers capitalize on the
docility of the children recognizing that these
laborers cannot legally form unions to change their
Iftekhar M Shafiqul Kalam
conditions. Such manipulations stifle the
development of youths. Their working conditions
do not provide the stimulation for proper physical
and mental development. Finally, these children are
deprived of the simple joys of childhood, relegated
instead to a life of drudgery. However, there are
problems with the obvious solution of abolishing
child labor.
First, there is no international agreement defining
child labor. Countries not only have different
minimum age work restrictions, but also have
varying regulations based on the type of labor. This
makes the limits of child labor very ambiguous.
Most would agree that a six year old is too young
to work, but whether the same can be said about a
twelve year old is debatable. Until there is global
agreement that can isolate cases of child labor, it
will be very hard to abolish. There is also the view
that work can help a child in terms of socialization,
in building self-esteem and for training (Collins
1983). The problem is, then, not child labor itself,
but the conditions under which it operates (Boyden
It was against this background that a World
Summit for all children was convened in New York
in which the World Declaration and Plan of Action
on the Survival, Protection and Development of
children was adopted. This significant initiative
symbolized the commitment and dedication of the
international community to the achievement of
goals for the benefit and development of children.
At present the ILO urges member States
themselves to eradicate the worst forms of child
labor by 2016. To do this all countries are
requested to design and put in place appropriate
time bound measures by 2008.
In this regard the ILO’s program on the
International Program on Elimination of Child
Labor (IPEC) was created in 1992. By December
2005, it was operational in 86 countries, with an
annual expenditure on technical cooperation
projects that reached over US$70 million. IPEC has
become the largest program of its kind globally and
the biggest single operational program of the ILO.
IPEC has been carrying out some action oriented
programs in a number of countries in order to
collect comprehensive statistics pertaining to the
activities of children not attending school in close
co-operation with the countries concerned. The
ILO/IPEC has sponsored a series of experimental
sample surveys on economically active children in
selected countries, namely India, Indonesia,
Senegal, Ghana, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand
and Nepal during 1994 to 1996.
As a result of integrated efforts taken by national
and international organizations the global number
of child laborers in the age group 5-17 decreased
from 246 million in 2000 to 218 million in 2004, a
decrease of 11 per cent. The percentage of child
laborers in this age group went down from 16 per
cent (1 in 6) in 2000 to 14 percent (1 in 7) in 2004.
The number of children aged 5-17 engaged in
hazardous work has declined by 26 per cent, from
171 million in 2000 to 126 million in 2004. With
33 per cent, the decline in the age group 5-14 has
even been sharper. Latin America and the
Caribbean stand out in terms of a rapid decline of
child labor. The number of children at work in the
region has fallen by two-thirds over the last four
years, with just 5 per cent of children ages 5-14
now engaged in work. With 26 per cent, or close
to 50 million child workers, the proportion of
children engaged in economic activities in sub-
Saharan Africa is currently the highest of any
region in the world. In the Asian-Pacific region,
122 million children ages 5-14 are engaged in
work, 5 million fewer than four years ago. Less
than 20 per cent of Asian children in that age group
are now at work. In industrialized countries, about
2.5 million children under the age of 15 were at
work in 2000. Almost 7 out of 10 working children
are in the agricultural sector; whereas 22 per cent
work in services and 9 per cent in industry,
including mining, construction and manufacturing.


A child is defined as an individual under age of 18
years, based on the 1989 United Nations
Convention on the Right of the Child and the ILO
Figure 1: Global trends in number (in million) of
working children (Age 5-14 years) by region, (2000 -
5.7 18.3
0 .0
50 .0
150 .0
Wo rld As ia and the
P acific
America &
Sub -
Afric a
regio ns
2000 2004
Glimpse on Child Labor
Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor,
1999 (NO182). Individual governments may define
"child" according to different ages or other criteria
depending on its respective socio economic
The magnitude of child labor problem depends on
how we define ‘Child labor’ and the minimum age
limit we set for admission to work. If only the
children in full-time employment are defined as
child laborers the number of child labor will be
relatively low. On the other hand, if the part time
economic activities after school hours, work during
holidays, all forms of activities to assists members
of the family in their economic activities, etc. are
also defined as child labor then the number will be
very large indeed.
In recent days the concept of child labor usually
based on the convention No. 138, that represents
the most comprehensive and authoritative
international definition of minimum age for
admission to employment or work, implying
“economic activity”. Convention No. 138 stipulates
that ratifying states fix a minimum age and it
defines a range of minimum ages below which no
child should be allowed to work. More specifically,
the convention lies down that the minimum age
shall not be less than the age of completion of
compulsory schooling and any case not less than 15
years. In case of a country whose economy and
educational facilities are not sufficiently developed,
the minimum age may be initially fixed in
consultation with the organizations of employers
and workers, at 14 years. Convention no. 138
further stipulates that the minimum age of
admission to employment or work that is likely to
jeopardize the health, safety or morals of young
persons shall not be less than 18 years. Thus in
view of the provisions of the conventions of the
ILO and UN convention on the rights of the child,
the upper age limit for investigating children’s
economic activities can be set at any level from 12
to 18.
Also not all work performed by children is
equivalent to “child labor” needing abolition. Also
there is no universally accepted definition of "child
labor". International organizations, nongovernmental
organizations, trade unions and other
interest groups use varying definitions of the term.
Writers and speakers don’t always specify what
definition they are using, and that often leads to
confusion. As UNICEF’s 1997 State of the World’s
Children Report puts it, "Children’s work needs to
be seen as happening along a continuum, with
destructive or exploitative work at one end and
beneficial work - promoting or enhancing
children’s development without interfering with
their schooling, recreation and rest - at the other.
And between these two poles are vast areas of
work that need not negatively affect a child’s
development." Other social scientists have slightly
different ways of drawing the line between
acceptable and unacceptable work. However
"Child labor" is, generally speaking, work for
children that harm them or exploit them in some
way (physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking
access to education).
Here at Bangladesh the legal context of child labor
is in a state of confusion because of the existent of
about half a dozen labor laws related to different
sectors, which have set different minimum ages for
admission to work. Also in most of the cases as the
law are not effectively enforced, they have little
impact on the actual of employment of children,
In 1933, an Act was passed under the British
regime to prohibit the pledging of the labor of
children. According to the Act, a “child” means
who is under the age of 15 years. The
“Employment of Children Act, 1938” set the
minimum age for employment in certain specified
occupations at 15 years.
The factory Act of 1965 fixed the minimum age at
14 years for admission to employment. On the
other hand, the Shops and Establishment Act, 1965
set the minimum age at 12 years. The government
of Bangladesh has drafted a labor code, which
would bring uniformity in regard to the minimum
age for children’s employment or work and fix it at
14 years. The code is awaiting approval of the
The ILO Convention no. 59 which has been ratified
by Bangladesh in 1973, on the other hand, fixes the
minimum age for admission to industrial
employment at the age of 12 (in terms of a
provision special to certain countries including
In this report the upper age limit is considered at
age 18. i.e. Boys and girls who were below the age
18 and were involved in economic activities in the
Dhaka City Corporation area were considered as
Iftekhar M Shafiqul Kalam
the study population and was covered by this
survey report.
Although the law in Bangladesh prohibits
employment in factories of child labor below 14
years of age the existence of child labor has been
recognized in Bangladesh National Children Policy
announced by the government in December 1994.
According to this policy all boys and girls under 14
years of age have been defined as children.
Although there are a number of statute in
Bangladesh prescribing certain minimum ages for
admission to employment children aged 5-14 years
are found working in households, fields and
factories as paid or unpaid labor.
The child labors in Bangladesh are more usually
found in urban and city areas although a vast
majority of them are employed in agriculture and
related sectors of rural areas. The urban child
worker are mostly engaged in such activities as
selling of foods like peanuts, ice creams, flowers,
cigarettes and other cheap articles, domestic
servants, porters, shoeshine boys, and carries of
lunch packets to offices and other work places,
cleaners, helpers in small automobile and other
workshops. At present, dependable, comprehensive
and up-to-date information on child labor in
Bangladesh are not available. Several rounds of
Labor Force Surveys (LFS) conducted periodically
since 1980 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
(BBS) and other government or non-government
organizations provide aggregate level data on child
labor situation in Bangladesh. Some of these
surveys are:
• Labor Force Survey 1989 (Conducted by
Ministry of Labor & Manpower, GOB),
• National Children Policy Survey
(Conducted by: Ministry of Woman and
Children Affairs, GOB),
• Division of Labor in Rural Bangladesh
(Conducted by: Bangladesh Institute of
Development Studies),
• National Sample Survey of Child Labor in
Bangladesh, 1995-96 (BBS), Child Labor
Situation in Bangladesh – A Rapid
Assessment (Conducted by ILO, in
collaboration with UNICEF) etc.
These studies facilitate to some extent as the basis
of in-depth studies on the subject and help
formulate national regulation and programs for
discouraging child labor in the country.
Like all other developing countries Bangladesh is
also facing intense child labor problem. The total
number of children in Bangladesh is about 50.15
million. Approximately ninety percent of these
children used to go school. But more than half of
these school-going children drop out before they
have completed their primary education.
Afterwards most of these children get themselves
involved with labor market. With these perspective
the involvement of children with our labor market
has become a prime reason of anxiety.
According to labor force survey conducted in 1996
the total labor force in Bangladesh is 56 million,
among them 6.6 million is child labor. On the other
hand according to the information of Bangladesh
Bureau of Statistics (BBS, 1996) the number of
children of age between 5-14 is 36 million that is
about 18 percent of total child population get
themselves involved in different types of child
labor related works. 94 percent of these child
labors are engaged in different non-institutional
works while the rest are engaged in institutional
The labor force survey also reveals that 66 percent
of the total child labor forces are engaged in
agricultural sector, while 8 percent in industrial
sector, 2 percent in road transportation and
communication sector, 14 percent in house keepers
and other jobs and the rest 10 percent are working
in different services.
About 83 percent of total child labors live in rural
area, while the rest 17 percent in urban area. 79%
of the village child labors are working in
agricultural sector. These children help their
parents by working in their own/neighbors land
area on part time basis.
According to “Rapid Assessment of Child Labor
Situation in Bangladesh” - a survey conducted by
ILO and UNICEF in 1994, the children of
Bangladesh in the urban area give labor in 300
different types of economic activities. Out of these
300 different types of economic activities 47 types
of work are categorized as more harmful for the
children. Since in these works often the
children become exposed to excessive heat, toxic
chemical reagents and many more hazardous
Glimpse on Child Labor


The specific objectives of this practical survey
project is to gain information regarding the
1) To assess the living condition of the working
children, featuring:
a) They’re living arrangement, attachment
with their families, sleeping places etc.
b) Status of Food, Nutrition and access to
health care facilities,
c) Assess the access to pure water and
hygienic sanitation facilities,
d) Assess the recreation arrangement,
2) To assess the cause and nature of migration.
3) Educational background: past and present
status and future interest (if possible).
4) Working environment of the child labors:
a) Extent of work,
b) Wage scale, utilization of the earned
c) Health hazards received at the time of
d) Relationship with their employee etc.
As stated earlier “at present, dependable,
comprehensive and up-to-date information on child
labor in Bangladesh are not available…” my
choice of sample design was very much limited.
There was severe financial and time constraint too.
Under the circumstances I was compelled to use
convenience-sampling technique, in which I choose
the child labor from where I find them. In this
study a sample of 250 working children were
interviewed from different sites and locations of
the Dhaka City corporation like- New market,
Dholaikhal, Hazaribagh, Lalbagh, Mohammadpur,
Mirpur, Dhaka University area and from some
other places. Considering the facts and
requirements of the survey a questionnaire was also
carefully designed (Appendix I).


A. Living and Sleeping Arrangement
In this report I found that a significant portion of
the working children did not get the opportunity
live with their families. Only 49.2 percent of the
working children could afford to live along with
their parents. While 17.2 percent to live alone, 8.8
percent live along with their employers and 5.2
percent live along with their co-workers
At night about 49.2 percent could sleep with their
parents, while 25.6 percent of working children
provided residential facilities by their employers.
Such sleeping facilities are found to be mutually
beneficial for both the employers and the
employee. The workers did not have to pay for
such a facility and it helps the employers to solve
the security problem of their respective business
The working children had complained about bad
weather (32.68%) and mosquito bite (27.08) as
main problem while sleeping. While 14.24 percent
of child workers also complained about the lack of
necessary sleeping materials such as pillow,
mattress, blanket, mosquito net, bed-sheet etc.
B. Migration Level:
Among the child worker Migration from rural to
urban areas seemed to be very common. In
majority of cases (62.6%) the child workers were
found to migrate along with their families.
The main cause behind migration was identified as
earning money/economic hardship (55.20 %)
(Figure 2).
C. Educational Status
Only 8.0 percent of the working children covered
under the study were found to be attending school
at the time of survey. 30.4 percent of the working
children never ever attended any school education.
Also 61.6 percent of the working children who
were lucky enough to attend school, forced to drop
out from school before completing their studies due
to several causes.
About 48 percent of the working children sampled
in this survey attributed economic hardship as main
Figure 2: Percentage distribution of Reasons for Migration
of child workers
17.4% 55.2%
9.4% 8.4%
To earn money/ Economic hard ship River erosion / Loss of land and prope
Death of head of the family Family conflict/Broken family
Local politics/ Others
Iftekhar M Shafiqul Kalam
cause for their disruption in education.
D. Nature of Food Intake
Regarding food habit, rice and bread were found to
be the two most favored items taken by almost all
the working children very often they had to depend
on left over rice.
About 65% of the working children admitted that
they had to contribute more or less for their meals.
E. Access to Pure water and Sanitation
Tube-well and supply water were found to be main
sources of water used for daily purpose. Some
working children were compelled to depend on
surface water for different purposes (Figure 3).
The data revealed majority (72%) of the working
children as well as their families do not boil water
at all to purify the water.
The working children had inadequate access to
modern and hygienic sanitary facilities. Only 49.2
percent of the working children were found to be
lucky enough to use sanitary latrine, while the rest
have to depend on kachha latrine, ring slab, open
places and other unhygienic means (Table 1).
Table 1: Percentage distribution of Types of
Latrine Facilities Used by the Working Children
Types of Latrine Percentage
Sanitary latrine 49.2
Cutcha latrine 28.0
Open Place 15.0
Public Toilet 10.6
Others (Ring slab etc.) 5.2
Total 108.00*
*The Percentage Total exceeds 100% due to multiple
F. Usual Health Problem and Access to Health
Care Facilities:
While asked about the health problems of the
working children 48 percent of them were found to
suffer different sorts of health problem such as
fever, stomach problem, dengue, measles etc.
during the course of three-month period previous to
the study period.
They usually depend on available low cost
treatment facilities, like homeopathic doctor (21.2
%), local community clinic, local medicine seller
(38.4 %) etc.
G. Working Environment
i. Types and Nature of occupation:
In this survey 48 different categories of child
laborers of both sex were interviewed. Not all them
were full time employees. Depending on the
families or own needs and other differentials of
child labor their employment status can be
classified into different categories, such asemployee
full time, employee part time, selfemployed/
own account employee, paid/unpaid
apprentice unpaid family worker etc. Information
gathered by this survey shows 38.8 percent of the
working children work as full time employee,
while 25 percent worked as part time employee
(Table 2).

Table 2: Percentage of Nature of Employment of the
Working Children
Nature of Employment Percentage
Employee full time 38.8
Employee part time 25.0
Self/ own account employee 16.0
Unpaid family worker 5.8
Paid apprentice 2.6
Unpaid apprentice 5.6
Others 3.2
Total 100.00
ii. Working Hours and Provision of leave
Taking the opportunity poverty and misfortune of
the child labors the employers compelled them to
work even without any break. 52.8 percent of the
child labor interviewed in the survey was found to
Figure 3: Sources of Water for Different Uses
Tube Well Public Supply Surface Water
% of Uses
Drinking / Cooking Shower Washing & others
Glimpse on Child Labor
work all the 7 days of a week (Figure 3). The data
revealed that 44.8 percent child workers had to
work 10 to 12 hours a day.
iii. Wage Scale and Utilization of Money
Another picture of deprivation was revealed as the
children were questioned about their income. In
most cases the children’s income was not adequate
as compared to their duration of work and
responsibility. Among the working children only a
fraction of working children (7.6 percent) was
fortunate enough having income of more than Tk
1500 (Table 3).
In response to another question 67.2 percent of the
child workers replied that they contribute to their
family at least a portion of their income.
iv. Occupational Health Hazards
As observed the working environment of the child
labor was very unhygienic is most cases. Also the
workers were not very much concerned about their
own safety and hygiene. Even while working with
razor sharp tools or electrical components or at the
time of welding they hardly maintain any safety
measures. The data reveals that 58 percent of the
working children received some sorts of
occupational injuries while at work.
Table 3: Percentage distribution of Income of
the working children
Wage Scale (in Tk) Percentage
Less than 500 30.8
500-1000 40.8
1000-1500 20.8
1500-2000 3.6
2000-2500 4.0
Total 100.00
v. Relationship With the Employers
The relationship between the child workers and
their employers is like rainbow – a spectrum
ranging from very exploitative /abusive to very
supportive and excellent.
Findings indicate that in most of the cases the
personal relationship between the child workers
and their employers was good. Most children did
not recognize the exploitative terms and conditions
of work and did not mind the psychological
distance between them. The employers did not
punish the children severely except in a very few
extreme cases. On the other hand many employers
were found to be very supportive and nice to the
working children.
H. Recreational activities:
The child workers access to recreational activities
was found to be very limited. The children either
had no time after work or were too tired after work
to take part in recreational activities. They also
lacked space for game and sports. However 58.7
percent of the working children mentioned
watching TV or listening music is their main
source of recreation as it involves minimum cost.
Only 18.8 percent working children perform games
and sports as their main recreational activities.
In the light of the experience while conducting the
practical survey it was strongly felt for the
eradication of the curse of child labor problem and
its consequences from our society the following
recommendations may be considered for
• First we have to create opportunity for
identifying the reasons of why and how
the children get themselves involved in
child labor.
• Arrange strategies and action plan for both
the short term as well as long-term basis.
• We should enforce the provision of
compulsory primary education.
• Proper implementation and enforcement
of the existing laws related to child labor,
if necessary introducing the new law.
Figure 3: Number of Days Work in a Week
Less than six days 6 days 7 days
Iftekhar M Shafiqul Kalam
• Organizing rallies, meeting, and seminars
to create and increase social awareness
regarding the consequences of child labor.
• Employer’s attitude of depriving the child
labor from getting his/her proper wage
should be changed.
• Ensure the better working conditions,
building awareness regarding health
related issues could enable creating a
welfare condition for these distressed
• Enforce the law of Birth Registration.
• Ensure social security for the working
children and as well as for their families.
• Irrespective of cast, creed, religion and
gender rights to participate in cultural,
games and sports activities, and other
recreational activities should be preserved.
In conducting this Practical Survey Project the
following problems were encountered –
• Lack of financial and logistic support
• Problems in determining the sample
design and sample size.
• Non-cooperation: It was difficult to
collect information from the working
children. Since most of them thought
answering the questions as the waste of
time. Many employers were also doubtful
about the objective of the survey and did
not let me interview the children working
in the office.
• Though the scope of the study was much
broader but it was not possible for me to
carry out extensive research work
involving several differentials that may be
important in this context.
It may be stated that child labor, as it is today,
cannot be completely eliminated unless the
economy of the country is developed creating job
opportunities for the vast majority of its adult work
force. It is believed that poverty alleviation is a pre
condition to elimination or at least minimization of
child labor. In other words, child labor is such a
major chronic economic issue in Bangladesh that it
cannot be stopped simply by a piece of legislation,
rather it can be eliminated only by adoption of
suitable long term economic measures, obviously
with massive international support.
Ahmed, A. and Quasem, M.A. (1991), Child Labor
In Bangladesh: Department of Economics,
Lund University, Sweden
A J M Sufian, Method and Techniques of Social
Research (Dhaka, University Press Limited),
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS, 1993),
Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh: 1992;
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS, 1992),
Report on labor Force Survey 1989
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS, October
1996), Report on National Sample Survey of
Child Labor in Bangladesh: 1995-96; Dhaka
Bequele, A. and J. Boyden. 1988. "Working
Children: Current Trends and Policy
Responses." International Labor Review 127,
2: 153-171.
Cain. M (1997) Economic Activities of Children in
a Village in Bangladesh: Population and
Development Revie w, Vol.13.No.3
Child Labor Situation in Bangladesh: A rapid
Assessment, Dr, Wahidur Rahman
‘Child Labor: Its Regulations by the ILO Standards
National Legislation’: International Labor
Review, Vol.121.
Every Child Counts (www.ilo.org/public/english/
ILO, Resolution concerning statistics of the
economically active population, employment,
unemployment and underemployment,
Thirteenth International Conference of Labour
Statisticians (Geneva, ILO, October 1982).
ILO (International Labour Office). 1993. Bulletin
of Labour Statistics 1993-3. Geneva.
ILO (International Labour Office). 1992. World
Labour Report 1992. Geneva.
Rahman, H. (1992) Situation of Street Children : a
Preliminary Study : ShoiShob Bangladesh,
Dhaka. Labor Use in Rural Bangladesh.
Glimpse on Child Labor
Report on National Sample Survey of Child Labor
in Bangladesh 1995-96, BBS.
Report on Labor Force Survey 1995-96, Ministry
of Labor & Manpower, GOB.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Statistical
and Cultural Organization). 1993. Statistical
Yearbook. Paris.
UNICEF (1990) Children and Development in the
1990s; Newyork.
United Nations. 1989. Revisions, Global Estimates
and Projections of Population by Age and Sex.
New York.
Weiner, M. 1991. The Child and the State in India.
Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
William G. Cochran, Sampling Techniques (?,
Willey Eastern Limited, third Edition, 1977)
Appendix I
Glimpse on Child Labor- A Study on Child Labor Situation in
Dhaka City Corporation Area
(To be asked of all children of aged below 18 years)
Segment 1
(Personal Questions)
1. Name of the respondent 3. Age:
2. Sex of the respondent 0- Male 1-
4. Total number family member
in your family:
Segment 2
(Questions related with Life & Living Condition of the Working Children)
5. Are your parents alive? 6. With whom do you live?
1-Both alive
2-Father alive only.
3-Mother alive only.
4-None alive.
2-With father/mother
3-With brother/
sisters/ relative.
4-With friends.
5-With co-workers.
6-With employer.
7-With others
7. Do you live permanent
in DCC area?
1-Yes. (If Yes skip to 10)
8. Are you
migrated along
with your family?
9. What is the reason(s) behind the migration of
you/your family? 10. Where do you usually sleep at night?
1-To find work/earn money.
2-Death of head of family.
4-River erosion.
5-Local politics.
6-Family conflict.
7-Others (Specify)
1- Parent’s house.
2- Employer’s house.
3- Work place.
4- Public places.
5- Open space.
6- Mess.
7- Others
11. What sorts of problems do you usually during
sleeping? 12. Did you ever attend school?
1 - Yes, currently attending.
2 - Yes, but do not continuing at present.
3 - Never ever attend school.
13. What is the highest class you have ever
Class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Specify)
14. What is/are the reasons for your drop out from /not attending school?
1-Economic hardship/to earn money.
2-Personal disinterest/fear of teacher’s punishment.
3-Parent’s disinterest/family’s non-cooperation.
4-Unstable residence/migration.
5-Failure in the examination.
6-Others. (Specify).
Iftekhar M Shafiqul Kalam
Segment 3
(Question regarding Food, Nutrition & Healthcare facilities)
15. With whom do you usually take your meals? 16. Do you have to pay/contribute for food?
5-Others. 1-Yes. 2-No.
17. What sorts of food do you usually take at meals?
Types of foods taken
Meals 1-Left over rice. 2-Hot rice. 3-Bread. 4-Others (Specify).
18. Did you take_ _ _ _ during last 7 days?
Egg 1- Yes 2- No Vegetables 1- Yes 2- No
Fish 1- Yes 2- No Milk 1- Yes 2- No
Meat 1- Yes 2- No Pulses 1- Yes 2- No
Fruit 1- Yes 2- No 1- Yes 2- No
Sources of water
Purpose Tube well Public Supply
Water Surface Water Others
19. What is your
main Source
water for
20. Do you boil your drinking
water? 1- Yes 2- No 21. What sorts of toilet facilities do you
usually uses?
22. Do you have to share the latrine
facilities with others? 1- Yes 2- No 1- Sanitary latrine
(Pucca Latrine) 4- Public toilet.
23. Do you suffer from any sorts of
diseases during last 3 months? 1- Yes 2- No 2- Cutcha latrine 5- Jungle.
24. Name the diseases that you have 2-
suffered during last 3 months? 3-
3- Open Space. 6- Others. (Specify)
25. Where did you go to seek
treatment? (Specify)
26. Who usually bear the cost of your
treatment? 27. Where do you usually go to seek treatment?
1- Parents.
2- Employers.
3- Self.
4- Relatives.
5- Public hospitals.
6- Others.
1. Allopathic medicine
2. Registered allopathic
3. Homeopathic doctors.
4. Govt. hospitals.
5. Kabiraj (Indigenous
6. Community Clinic/NGO
7. Others (Specify).
Segment 4
(Question related with Child Labors Job & Working Environment)
28. What is your occupation? (Specify)
29. What is your employment status? 30. What is your nature of work?
1. Employee full time.
2. Employee part time.
3. Self-employed.
4. Unpaid family worker.
5. Paid apprentice.
6. Unpaid apprentice.
7. Day labor.
8. Others (Specify) _ _ _
1. Permanent.
2. Temporary.
3. Seasonal.
31. How many hours do you
usually work in a day? 32. How many days do
you work in a week?
Glimpse on Child Labor
33. Do you work on holidays? 1-Yes with pay. 2-Yes with out pay. 3-No.
34. How is your relationship with
the employer? 1- Good 2- Fair 3- Not good
35. Does your employer treat
badly? 1- Yes, Regularly 2- Yes, occasionally 3- No
36. Do you take any type of safety
precautions while you work? 1- Yes. 2- No.
37. What sorts of Safety
precaution do you
usually take?
38. Is/are these precautions
provided by your employer? 1- Yes. 2- No.
39. Do you think that the
safety precaution you
take is sufficient?
1- Yes. 2- No.
40. Reasons for not taking any
Safety precautions?
1- Not aware of any
danger 2- Poverty 3- Others
41. Did you receive any
occupational injuries during
last 3 months?
1- Yes. 2- No.
43. Did you get any sorts of
medical/financial assistance
from your employer while you
receive any occupational
1- Yes. 2- No.
42. What kind of
44. What is your daily/monthly
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
45. Do you give part
of your income to
your family?
1- Yes. 2- No.
1- Poverty/ family
2- Lack of
awareness about
need to save.
46. Do you save a part of your
1- Yes.
(Go to 48)
2- No
(Go to 47)
47. What are the
reasons for not
saving money?
3- Others
48. Where do you keep your
saving? 1- Bank.
2- Post
3- NGO’s or
any other
4- Friends
5- Others
50. Are you related with any kind
of organization? 1- Yes. 2- No. 51. What kind of
organization is that?
52. Would like to specify any
problem that you face in your
day-to-day life?
Segment 5
(Question regarding Nature and Extent of Recreation)
1- Watching TV/
Listening music/Radio.
2- Just walking
3- Different in door
games (as lodo,
53. What is your main source of Chess, Karam etc).
recreation? 4- Performing games &
sports 5- Gossiping. 6- Others (Specify).
54. How many times in a week do
you have entertaining
1- Almost
every day
2- Once in every
two days
3- Only on
4- No
activities at all.
(Go to)
55. What is your main reason for
not having recreational activities?
1- Do not get
enough time.
2- Not interested. 3- Lack of
4- Others


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Socioeconomic indicators

- Total population (millions), 2004: 153 (i)
- Annual population growth rate(%), 2005 - 15:1.6 (i)
- Population under age 15 (% of total), 2005:35.2 (i)
- Urban population (% of total), 2005:25.1 (i)
- Infant mortality rate(per 1,000 live births), 2005:73 (i)
-% of children aged 5 - 14 thatare working : 13.4% (iii)

- Youth literacy rate (%, age 15-24), 2005: 63.6 (i)
- Female youth literacy rate (%, age 15-24), 2005: 60.3 (i)
- Primary school enrolment ratio (gross), 2000 - 07: Male 87/Female 91 (ii)
- Secondary school enrolment ration (gross), 2000 - 07: Male 43/Female 45 (ii)
- Net primary school attendance, 2000 - 07 (%): Male 79/Female 84 (ii)

- GDP/capita (PPP US$), 2005:2,053 (i)
- Unemployment rate (% of labour force), 1996-2005: 4.3 (i)
- Population living below $2 a day (%), 2005:84.0 (ii)

(i) Human Development Report 2007-08
(ii) UNICEF: The State of the World’s Children 2009
(iii) ILO:SIMPOC: Bangladesh Child Labour Country Brief

Child labour situation
In 2002 - 03, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) conducted the second National Child Labour Survey (NCLS) ( 1 ). This survey has been designed and conducted in the context of the commitments made by the Government of Bangladesh, following the ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (No. 182) 1999. According to the survey, there are 4.9 million working children ( 2 ) — 14.2 per cent of the total 35.06 million children in the age group of 5-14 years. The total working child population between 5 and 17 years old is estimated at 7.9 million.

The proportion of boy and girl child workers, in the age group of 5-17 years, is 73.5 per cent and 26.5 per cent, respectively;
The total number of working children aged 5-17 years in rural areas is estimated at 6.4 million as against 1.5 million in urban areas;
As many as 93.3 per cent of all working children in the age group of 5-17 years operate in the informal sector. Agriculture engages 4.5 million (56.4 per cent children), while the services sector engages 2 million (25.9 per cent), and industry, 1.4 million (17.7 per cent);
A total of 1.3 million children are estimated to be working 43 hours or more per week. More boys than girls are engaged in this form of child labour across all age groups.

Parallel to the National Child Labour Survey, an establishment survey and five baseline surveys on the worst forms of child labour in five segments (welding, automobiles, street children, battery re-charging, and transport) have also been conducted under the supervision of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics with technical and financial support from the ILO. The final reports of the establishment survey and the baseline surveys are now available. The factors that generate child labour in Bangladesh can be summarized as follows:

Extreme forms of poverty play a crucial role. Child labour is part of a vicious cycle, with poverty as a main cause as well as a main consequence. This implies that child labour cannot be addressed in isolation. Among factors contributing to child labour are rapid population growth, adult unemployment, bad working conditions, lack of minimum wages, exploitation of workers, low standard of living, low quality of education, lack of legal provisions and enforcement, low capacity of institutions, gender discrimination and traditional arguments in favour of child labour. One or more of the above contribute to the large numbers of children working under exploitative or hazardous conditions.
There is a direct link between child labour and education. Nearly 50 per cent of primary school students drop out before they complete grade 5, and then gravitate towards work, adding to the number of child labourers. The high drop-out rates are correlated with the low quality of public primary education, low adult literacy, low awareness of the importance of education, teacher-student ratio (sometimes this goes up to 1 per 100), non-availability of didactic and learning materials, and the cost of education. Basic primary education is free as far as direct costs and school books are concerned. But many indirect costs are involved as well, such as transport, uniforms, pens, pencils, and notebooks.
Bangladesh has only limited provision for pre-vocational/vocational skills training and there are related constraints such as the quality of the skills training, market and employment linkages and certification. While this could be an attractive option to working/disadvantaged children and their families, neither the Government of Bangladesh nor many of the non-governmental organizations have the institutional capacity and technical expertise required to deliver skills training facilities effectively;
Finally, the level of awareness on the issue of child labour and laws prohibiting it is still low. Society in general has a rather indifferent attitude towards the problem. In many cases, it is not realised that the children who are employed in, for example, domestic service, often have no access to education or medical care.

Note 1 - A first study was carried out in 1995 - 96 with the support of the ILO.
Note 2 - This figure does not include economically active children who are unemployed.

International Labour Organization (ILO)
a semi-conductor is a material that has an electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator.This means roughly in the range 10^3 siemens per c.m. to 10^-8s/cm.Exposure to an electrical field, to different temparatures or frequencies of light may change a semiconductors conductivity.


An insulator is amaterial that resists the flow of electick current.An insulating mateial has atoms with tightly bonded valance electrons.These materials are used in parts of electrical equipment to support or separate electrgcal conductors without passing current through themeselves.The term is also used more specifically to refer to insulating supports that attch electric power transmission wires to utility poles or pylons. Some materials such as glass, paper or Teflon are very good elctrical insulators.


A conductor is a material which contains movable electric charges.In metalic conductors,such as copper or almuniam, the movable charged particles are electrons. positive charges may also be mobile in the form of atoms in a lattice that are missing electrons, or in the form of ions, such as in the electrolyte of battery.

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